Refund / Exchange Policy
- In general, all orders are confirmed as received and delivered as promised. We ensure to recheck all our products before we pack and dispatch. We genuinely hope that none of our products would ever require a refund/exchange from us.
- However, if the need arises, your product can be exchanged with the same product or with a similar monetary value to your purchased product. We don’t offer any refunds.
- The time period for exchange is 5 days upon receiving the product. After that, we won’t be catering to any exchange requests.
- Since the totes are hand-painted and require extra maintenance and care, we ensure to provide a care guide with it. We won’t be catering to exchange concerns if you didn’t adhere to the care guide instructions or misread any information based on size, color, design, stitching, delivery times, material, or any concern based on similar concerns of all our products.
- Exchange of a product is only applicable when the product gets defective in transit or reaches you in a faulty condition. By faulty condition we mean, loose stitching, wrong design/print. You may reach out to us on Instagram with your concerns. After review, your product can be exchanged.